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nailscape box

Nail pros rejoice! Thanks to The Nailscape, a pro-only subscription box service for nail techs is on its way. Making its official debut in September, The Nailscape Box (~$59) will be limited to the first 100 subscribers and will provide the latest products from suppliers right to your doorstep. Act fast to sign up for details.

“I am so thrilled to be able to share the products that I’ve discovered over the past two years of running The Nailscape blog, and working behind the scenes,” says Ashley Gregory, Chicago-based session manicurist and curator of the forthcoming subscription service. “The Nailscape Box gives nail pros an option to try products at their own nail table, along with online access to a subscriber community that provides inspiration, product knowledge, and one-click access to the box vendors.

For more information and updates from The Nailscape, visit their website here.

-Sigourney Nuñez

[Image credit: Courtesy of The Nailscape]

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